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La Strada
powrót do forum filmu La Strada


Od dłuższego czasu poszukuję książki, na której nakręcono film La strada Felliniego, czy ktoś może wie kto był autorem? książka ponoć bardzo kontrowersyjna..


I jak,znalazłeś?Jaki to był tytuł?


no własnie jej nie odnalazłam...

ocenił(a) film na 8

Skąd wiesz, że film powstał na podstawie książki (tudzież Fellini zainspirował się konkretnym tytułem)? Gdzie natrafiłeś natrafiłeś/natrafiłaś na taką informację?


ktos mi sprzedał z rodziny tą informację i dlatego chce ją potwierdzić, może ktoś będzie w stanie zdementować albo dostarczyć jakiejś informacji


Dalej jestem bardzo ciekawy.

ocenił(a) film na 10

La Strada (The Road) is a 1954 Italian drama directed by Federico Fellini from his own screenplay co-written with Tullio Pinelli and Ennio Flaiano;

nie ma żadnej książki; angielska strona wikipedii, bardzo szczegółowa, mówi o genezie scenariusza w dziale background:

Fellini's creative process for La Strada started with vague feelings, "a kind of tone", he said, "that lurked, which made me melancholy and gave me a diffused sense of guilt, like a shadow hanging over me. This feeling suggested two people who stay together, although it will be fatal, and they don't know why".[8] These feelings evolved into certain images: snow silently falling on the ocean, various compositions of clouds, and a singing nightingale.[9] At that point, Fellini started to draw and sketch these images, a habitual tendency that he claimed he had learned early in his career when he had worked in various provincial music halls and had to sketch out the various characters and sets.[10] Finally, he reported that the idea first "became real" to him when he drew a circle on a piece of paper to depict Gelsomina's head,[11] and he decided to base the character on the actual character of Giulietta Masina, his wife of five years at the time: "I utilized the real Giulietta, but as I saw her. I was influenced by her childhood photographs, so elements of Gelsomina reflect a ten-year-old Giulietta."[12]

The idea for the character Zampanò came from Fellini's youth in the coastal town of Rimini. A pig castrator lived there who was known as a womanizer: according to Fellini, "This man took all the girls in town to bed with him; once he left a poor idiot girl pregnant and everyone said the baby was the devil's child."[13] In 1992, Fellini told Canadian director Damian Pettigrew that he had conceived the film at the same time as co-scenarist Tullio Pinelli in a kind of "orgiastic synchronicity":

I was directing I vitelloni, and Tullio had gone to see his family in Turin. At that time, there was no autostrada between Rome and the north and so you had to drive through the mountains. Along one of the tortuous winding roads, he saw a man pulling a carretta, a sort of cart covered in tarpaulin ... A tiny woman was pushing the cart from behind. When he returned to Rome, he told me what he'd seen and his desire to narrate their hard lives on the road. 'It would make the ideal scenario for your next film,' he said. It was the same story I'd imagined but with a crucial difference: mine focused on a little traveling circus with a slow-witted young woman named Gelsomina. So we merged my flea-bitten circus characters with his smoky campfire mountain vagabonds. We named Zampanò after the owners of two small circuses in Rome: Zamperla and Saltano.[14]

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